Blackpool Grand Theatre

Join and Support Us

Take a look at:   How To Support Us  |  Capital Project  |  Name A Seat  |  Legacy Giving  |  Magic and Sparkle  |  Amazon Smile  |  Grand Christmas Draw



In Join and Support Us you will find information about our fantastic 1894 Club, a loyalty members club ideal for the regular theatre-goer.


Discover how to support Blackpool Grand us through naming a seat or legacy giving, our community magic and sparkle campaign, or simply using Amazon’s smile website.


Learn about our supporters, or what your support means, here you can even donate to support us.


Blackpool Grand receives corporate and funding support from selected organisations locally and regionally. If you would like to support the Theatre you can in many ways, support our programming, creative learning, day-to-day running costs, customer comforts or capital projects.