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2 min read


Legally Blonde Dog Auditions



Is your dog a budding stage star?

We are looking for local pooches to play the role of Rufus in the National Tour of Legally Blonde starring Lucie Jones, Rita Simons and Bill Ward.

Now an audition process can be daunting, so to make to make it a little easier and save you time, here is what we’re looking for:


  • A British Bulldog – First and foremost we are looking for a British Bulldog as appeared in the Film. We are open to other breeds, but they need to have that look about them. Fairly bullish and robust. Cute and fluffy is not what we are looking for here I’m afraid.
  • Temperament – If your dog is relaxed, laid back, good with people and enjoys a good fuss, we would love to hear from you.
  • Responsive to Commands – By this I mean if your dog responds to ‘come here’, ‘sit’ etc and doesn’t just wander off doing its own thing, then they could be exactly what we’re looking for. We do not expect ‘Rufus’ to perform tricks.
  • Tricks – Having said we do not expect tricks, if your lovable brute has any, we would love to see them. They have 5 minutes to show us what they’ve got. If they’re skills are good enough we could end up using them in the show!
  • Experience – Although absolutely not essential, if your dog has some form of stage experience it will be a huge bonus. Even the most confident of dogs can suddenly be affected by the lights, the band and the huge round of applause they are bound to receive on their big entrance!


If you feel your dog matches these criteria, we would love to receive your application for our doggy auditions being held at theSPACE at Blackpool’s Grand Theatre on Thursday 1 February between 12-4pm.

Legally Blonde Dog Auditions – Requirements and Application Form

Please complete the form overleaf and return it by email to:  Forms must be submitted by Thursday 26 January.

You will be informed by email if your application has been successful and you will be given a time slot for your audition. For more information, email

Performances of Legally Blonde The Musical take place at The Grand Theatre, Blackpool from the 9 to 14 April at 7:30pm each evening, with matinees at 2pm.

You can get your tickets by clicking here or by calling our Box Office on 01253 290190.

Many thanks for your interest and we hope to see you soon.

David Barrett

Associate Director, Legally Blonde – The Musical


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