
Life as an intern at The Grand Theatre (6 Months)

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In the last 3 months my internship has gone from strength to strength. This is an exciting time for The Grand Theatre as they are currently in the process of rebranding, developing new strategies and the launch of the new season brochure.

One of the most significant things I have learned and found very interesting was what goes into making the Grand Theatre Brochure. It’s unbelievable how much time and hard work goes into creating a brochure. I was able to witness and be part of the design and editorial process. I sat in on meetings with the designer and final proof reads before it went to print. I was able to see how the brochure comes together and feel quite proud to say I was there during the creative process.

The Grand Theatre is currently developing their strategy for Under 26’s. I was excited when I knew I would be part of this process and help with the research. I lead on several focus groups we conducted to help us discover what Under 26’s want. These have been very successful and have given us invaluable information.

My training opportunities have increased in the last 3 months. I am now an Arts Award Advisor, and trained to Explore & Discover level as well as Bronze & Silver. I now qualify to assess and award the Arts Award and I am now part of an Arts Award network which acts as advocates for Arts Award across Blackpool. I feel very proud to be part of the Arts Award and I’m currently in the process of designing log books, for children to complete in order to gain their Arts Award. These are in the final stages now and going out to schools very soon. I feel very proud to think that the log books I have created with the help of The Grand’s Learning and Engagement officer will go out to hundreds of children and help them gain their awards.

I have also taken part in a Sales Framework Programme which took place at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, which was probably one of the most enjoyable courses I have ever been on and I learned so much from it. I learned all about the sales funnel and the sales process, the customer buying cycle, methods of communication, questioning and listening skills and buying motives. Just a couple of weeks after completing the training, I was given the opportunity to train in The Grand’s Box Office. I have worked several days in Box Office since and it has been a great opportunity for me to see the other side of our marketing. I got to speak to the customers direct and was able to ask how they found out about shows; some people came in with the newspaper articles etc. I was able to see the marketing we do in the office actually being used and appreciated.

I have attended more Press Nights within in the last 3 months, which has increased my confidence in speaking with the press and building relationships of my own. This has led to me running a press night independently. I have also built my own relationships with local venues such as Revolution; this is enabling us to work more closely with them. It’s great that I am starting to build my own relationships as hopefully when I have finished my internship and get other jobs; it will be great to take with me some of the contacts that I have made. In the next couple of months I am going to be working on many other events/projects including, Alfresco Festival, Royal Shakespeare Company Showcase, Wordpool, Panto Launch and Fresher’s Fair.

I now feel like I am finding my feet as well as my confidence within the marketing environment. I am half way through my internship, and reflecting back to when I first started I can see a huge change in myself. Once again I am grateful to The Grand for all the opportunities that they are constantly providing me with.

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