I’m Frank Morgan – Rewired: A Tale from Paradise Heights

I’m Frank Morgan – Rewired: A Tale from Paradise Heights

Sat 14 Dec - Sun 15 Dec

*includes booking fees, excld. postage.


I’m Frank Morgan – Rewired from the award winning writer and director of The Haunting of Blaine Manor, written & directed by Joe O’Byrne.




Frank’s a hard man in a dirty old town.  Loan shark, poker player, owner of The Ace of Spades Club in Paradise Heights.  He’s taken on some of the hardest that have ever drew breath, they’ve all ended up broken…or buried.  But a new threat has risen, an immigrant crime wave has threatened his position at the top of the hill. Frank’s never been one to walk away from a fight…


Tonight he’s walled up inside his club, and you are trapped in there with him as the ghosts and the demons are queuing up to take him down. But there’s still some bite left in the shark, wounded and raging – he’s at his most dangerous.​


​And waiting in the dark is his toughest opponent of all…


Pre Show Talk Thursday 25th July 6:15pm – 7:15pm – We are hosting a pre-show talk with the writer and director of Paradise Heights Joe O’Byrne. Places are LIMITED. To book your FREE place, book at checkout or please call our Box Office on 01253 290 190.


Why not come and see another installment in the Tales from Paradise Heights series:

Diane’s Deli


Strawberry Jack

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