
Cast Member Mark James Q&A

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Today we’re taking a closer look at one of our cast members Mark James asking him some vital questions! Let’s hear what  has to say!

Earlier this year performed a week long run at The World Famous Magic Castle in Hollywood as well as providing magic on The Orient Express. His magic has also been widely recognised by his peers. In February he flew to Ohio to give a lecture for Penguin Magic USA. And then in that same month he performed and lectured at the world’s largest magic convention in Blackpool, UK. Wow!


What is your most treasured possession?

This a tough one for me. I’m a real collector of things. Vinyl records, trainers, books and movie props. I guess my favourite thing is a signed vinyl record of the comedian Steve Martin’s ‘Let’s Get Small’ LP.


Who would play you in the film of your life?

I think I’d probably have to do it myself. I’ve been rehearsing for it since I was born and no one else would want the part!


Who is your hero?

My wife.


What is your proudest accomplishment?

Performing for a living is a dream from which I never want to wake. It’s been a rollercoaster ride that I wouldn’t change for all the tea in Yorkshire. The thing I’m proudest of is all the times I didn’t give up.


What makes you laugh the most?

Talking to my son. It’s like a mirror to the most childish parts of my own personality. He brings out the best and worst in me and we laugh together in a way that is free from anything but unconsidered joy. He’s five. And so am I.


If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would you choose?

I’d choose four people who are living. Dead people don’t each much and they’re awful conversation.


What’s your favourite Christmas food?

I absolutely love Toblerone. I eat them all year round but at Christmas I don’t feel guilty about it.


What is your favourite childhood Christmas memory?

It’s watching the Only Fools & Horses Christmas special with my parents. The one where they go to Margate and the bus blows up. I spend a lot of my life alone on tour. Whether it’s a hotel, an aeroplane or a cruise ship cabin, that TV show is one thing that always make me feel at home.


What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?

I’ve had deep fried crickets, grasshoppers & scorpions. All of those are pretty weird. My favourite thing is tuna, prawns & garlic on a pizza. Everybody thinks I’m insane but trust me, it’s amazing.


What would you sing at karaoke?

I’m not much of a karaoke fan but my go to song is always ‘Ain’t That A Kick In The Head’.


You do magic in the show. What would you do it you had real magic powers?

I’d like to be able to make a free car parking space appear wherever I wanted. I’d make it so the battery on my iPhone never ran out. Oh and I’d make it so my fridge was always full of Coke Zero & Toberlone!


Grand Theatre, Blackpool

Friday 9 December 2016 to Sunday 8 January 2017
Show times vary, visit

Audio Described and BSL Sign Interpreted performance – Sat 17 Dec 2016 (2pm)


Adults: Band A £22.50/£16.50, Band B £22.50/£16.50, Band C £16.50
Children: Band A £22.50/£16.50, Band B £20.50/£16.50, Band C £15.50 

Concessions (Band B) £2 off Top Priced Adult Ticket
Friends of The Grand: £15.00 all Band B performances 

Family Ticket: £66*  /  Senior Pass: £56*
*Only available: 27 Dec(7pm), 28 Dec (2pm), 29 Dec (2pm), 2 Jan (2pm), 3 Jan (7pm), 5 Jan (2pm & 7pm), 6 Jan (2pm & 7pm),  7 Jan (2pm & 7pm), 8 Jan (1pm)
Group discounts available call 01253 743232

Running Time approx. 2hrs 20mins including interval (first few performances may be longer)

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