Our Young Blogger on The History Boys…and the Pain of Coursework…
min read
By Kieran Wyatt (Grand Young Blogger)
“Proportion” is a terribly fun word to say in a deep Yorkshire accent. This fun pronunciation is intensified when performed in front of a classroom of Sixth Form students. As I elongated my “proportion” to the class, a rumbunctious row of laughter erupted from the group of bored students behind. This is one of the proudest moments of my school career. The moment passed and I retreated once again into my cardigan, scanning the page for my next line – a few pages.
The play we were reading was The History Boys by Alan Bennett, a great play. But coursework loomed, as a consequence the thing has always been slightly tainted in my mind by the apprehension of an upcoming grade. I was therefore glad to learn of that the current touring production of The History Boys is coming to The Grand Theatre this April.
Another upshot from looking through the Guide was coming across the picture advertising this most recent production of The History Boys which shows a young-looking cast acting up like the characters they portray. This picture took me back to a time of revision and coursework. Nothing has changed but, thankfully there are no productions of The Bloody Chamber coming to The Grand, or a sweeping view of The French Revolution, which surprisingly after a few long weeks of long research becomes a lot less sweeping and a lot more legislative. Coursework. What a word. I suppose I’ll have to close this document soon and continue with coursework.
Sell a Door Theatre Company presents
The History Boys at the Grand Theatre, Blackpool