
What’s in an name? Famous Literary Pseudonyms

min read


min read


There’s contemporary romance and mistaken identities galore in Nobody’s Perfect when Leonard Loftus uses a female pseudonym to enter a comeptition at a feminist publishing house, but just how realistic is it?

Is it possible to create an fictional identity just for the purposes to publishing and get away with it? From Lewis Carroll, to Dr. Suess, and yes, even J.K Rowling, a lot of famous authors that we know and love today have kept something hidden from us. Their real names. Much like the superheroes he created, even Stan Lee has an secret identity. But not all of them were trying to trick their audience…





Nobody’s Perfect
Tuesday 4 to Saturday 8 October 2016
Grand Theatre, Blackpool

Evenings 7:30pm
Thurs & Sat Matinees 2pm


Opening Night 2 for 1 tickets

Evenings £16.50 to £20.50
Matinees £14.50

Concessions £2.00 off

Friends of The Grand £5.00 off (Wednesday only)
Schools/Groups £12.50 (Tuesday to Thursday only)

Under 26s £12.50 (first 50 tickets, weekdays only; subject to availability)


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