Creative Learning


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Creative Learning

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Creative Learning’s junior artists have started their Pinocchio Project, creating clay puppets and book making with Visual Artist, Lisa Wigham.

The Creative Learning team at The Grand Theatre, are very excited to be working with Aspired Futures and The Young Carers through the Junior Artist Programme on this Pinocchio Project.

Our Junior Artists will be meeting throughout the year, every Wednesday evening after school, working with different artists on a different art form, such as; dance, acting, singing and painting. These programmes will be based around upcoming shows at The Grand.

The first project launched Wednesday 4 October and is based around Pinocchioa charming joyous and wildly imaginative take on the classic fairy tale. With humour, engaging drama and theatrical innovation, Pinocchio takes us on a magical journey as he discovers what it is to be human. This production comes to us from the  Jasmin Vardimon Company.

Vardimon is renowned for her uniquely theatrical choreographic and directorial style combining physical theatre, quirky characterisation, innovative technologies, text and dance, she accentuates her work with an acute observation of human behaviour.

Lisa Wigham is the first artist to start the programme working with the young people. Lisa will be delivering some clay activities, where the junior artists will be invited to explore the material (clay) and express themselves with a 3 dimensional work by creating their own piece, in the form of a Pinocchio puppet.

She will also offer the group an effective ‘book making workshop’. Where they will create their own book to use as either a diary or sketch book throughout the project.

Our Junior Artists, along with three more Hub Schools, will be watching Pinocchio at The Grand Theatre on the Saturday 4 November, and we’d love to invite you to join us.

For tickets, go to the website or call our Box Office on 01253 290190.

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