
Spread a little Magic & Sparkle!

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The Grand Theatre, Blackpool announces an exciting new project bringing a little Magic & Sparkle to people’s lives this Christmas.

The Grand in conjunction with Producer Martin Dodd of UK Productions Ltd is hoping to make the festive season a bit more special for local groups in need with their Magic & Sparkle tickets.

Regular and new Panto-goers are being invited to buy an extra ticket  for Cinderella (at a very special rate), which will then be donated to local groups in need.


Marketing Manager Andrew Howard said;

‘The Grand aims to be the theatre of choice for Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre and to offer opportunities to enjoy, participate and learn through the arts this year we will be launching our very special ‘Magic & Sparkle’ tickets.

‘We’d like our customers to think in these hard times of others that might not be as fortunate as themselves and how much of an experience they would be giving if they purchased one extra pantomime ticket at a very special rate that we could donate to people who need an experience they won’t ever forget.

‘Personally, having seen young people get so emotional at the experience of seeing live performers – many thinking it was a huge TV screen they were going to be looking at, it brings home how important it is what we do and the experience and feelings young people go away with.’

The Grand as a charity itself is aware of local issues, with families struggling to get by and with the help of partner organisations like Arts Council England, Blackpool Council, Curious Minds and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation we work to support individuals and children that live locally to experiencing the arts. Many of whom have learning difficulties or don’t have the financial support to be one of the few. Our aims are to engage as many children in the arts as possible – financial costs should not cause a barrier.

But this funding will only go so far, so to help us to reach groups that simply can’t afford to take part and experience this delight we are turning to our incredible supporters and customers to see if they can help?

If you can help, ask for information at our Box Office or call us on 01253 290190, our team will be there to assist.


Twitter- @Grand_Theatre

Magic & Sparkle

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